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My Story

About Me


I love Jesus.

I enjoy uncovering secrets and searching for hidden things. When I was young I thought for sure I would be an archaeologist when I grew up. The idea of finding new pyramids in Egypt and Tells in Israel gave me goosebumps. Excavating mummies with buried treasure and finding ancient artifacts was an exciting thought until I realized you should be super-duper smart. Um, ok…moving right along then.

here’s the scoop

The Bible is full of buried treasure and filled with clues that we’re meant to look for. We were created to discover and plumb the depths of it for the entirety of our lives so we could know Christ better.

When I was 20 I found this quote and have written it on the inside of every Bible I have owned since that time:

“Both in history and in life it is a phenomenon by no means rare

to meet with comparatively unlettered people who seem to have

struck profound spiritual depths,

while there are many highly educated people of whom one feels

they are performing clever antics with their minds

to cover a gaping hollowness that lies within.”

Herbert Butterfield

There is hope for every one of us! Jeremiah 29:13 says “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (NIV) (italics added)

You don’t need a PhD to understand the Word of God! The Lord promises you will find him but you need to diligently look for him.

what you can expect

I created this blog to help you connect to the Lord in a more meaningful way. The seeking we were talking about earlier…yup, that! We’re going to dig deep through scripture and search for truth. We’re going to unearth clues that will help us apply the Word to our day-to-day lives and our own personal situations.

Oh, and are you okay if we get personal? I hope so. We can learn so much from each other when we’re honest about our struggles and our victories and I want to be transparent so you know you are not alone.

My goal is that you’ll enjoy slowing down with me in this safe place. We’re a fast-food, instant like, on-line shopping kind of people who have started treating our faith the same way. Me – utterly guilty! So I’d love to pause with you, to meditate, to ponder and delight in the Word together.

I believe the Holy Spirit will open our eyes and our hearts as we study. I’m honored we’re in the trenches together, honored that we will spend eternity together praising the Lord and humbled to have a platform to reveal the plan of salvation to everyone who finds themselves here in this small corner of the blogosphere with me. Thank you for being here!

who am I?

I am married to a wonderful man, I call him hubs :). We have 3 beautiful children who are all married and am now Nana to 9 fabulous grandchildren!

Life wasn’t always so normal…

I grew up as a Missionary Kid in East Africa and identify with being a Third Culture Kid and all the challenges and blessings that come with it. I was friends with people from all denominations, ethnic backgrounds and cultures. I saw life through the lens of a broad world view and a different perception of God than many others had, but it was something foreign and weird to all the new people I met when I returned to Canada.

It made me stand out. I didn’t fit in. I struggled. I hated myself. I wished more than anything that I could just be normal like everyone else. I danced many evenings with a tempting stranger named Suicide.

The Lord had other plans.

I am thankful the Lord lovingly brought me through that dark time. I am a living testimony to his faithfulness. The Lord started showing me how he saw me and it changed my life…it saved my life.

I love sharing the Word of God because it is life and it brings life to all who hear.

OK some fun stuff…

Thank you. Thank you for being my people, my tribe, my community. Thank you for rallying around me and encouraging me as I strive to encourage and challenge you. Come back often and let’s get to know Jesus.

With love & prayers,










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