I’m sitting in my big comfy chair looking at a stunning sunset against the lake across the road from our house. I thank God every day for the view. I’m serious, I really do. We’ve been in a season of turmoil. Internal and external challenges have stripped life down to it’s basest level and yet somehow I have this gift. My window.
It draws my eyes and heart to glorious beauty every single evening. It reminds me I can breathe and that my heart still beats. It calms my troubled spirit.
A number of years ago a dear friend made me a sign to hang on my wall. It says
let go my soul
and trust in Him
the wind and waves still know His name
The sign is, of course referring to the well known story of Jesus in the boat with his disciples. It’s been on my mind a lot lately. I read Mark’s version this morning in chapter 4:35-41. It had been a busy day for Jesus and his disciples, so many desperate people were looking for hope. The crowds hear Jesus teaching about the kingdom of God and healing the sick. They press in.
At the end of the day the disciples decide they’re getting into a boat with Jesus and going to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Other boats accompanied them as well. I can envision them bobbing along the water, the rhythm of the waves and the gentle slapping of the water against the hull lulling them into a quiet, restful state. Exhausted, Jesus falls asleep on a cushion until he is awakened by the desperate cries of his disciples. A storm had suddenly come up.
Disciples. Jesus followers. Holy Son of God-believers.
The ones who had been with him from the beginning and claimed to know who he truly was. Who had witnessed that very day miracles, healings and demonic oppression coming to an end. The ones who had been personally called by Jesus to follow him. Utterly terrified.
don’t you even care that we’re dying here Jesus? my own heart echoes the disciple’s cries.
These disciples…I bet their eyes were wild with fear. I bet they looked a mess after fighting the storm on their own and maybe trying not to wake Jesus until they felt disaster was imminent and death was certain.
peace! be still! Jesus commands the storm to cease its raging. Great calm immediately descends upon them. The ESV says that…GREAT calm. He’s not mad that he was woken up. How do we know that? Because he calms the storm first and then asks his question…
why are you so afraid? I’m right here, we’re in it together. I’m in the boat with you.
I wonder what the story would have looked like if they ridden out the storm in faith? Would they have made it to the other side hooting and hollering about what a wild ride that had been, slapping each other on the back, grinning from ear to ear like see I knew we’d make it, the very Son of God was with us in the boat!
I want faith not fear.
Fear makes me put my head down and use all my strength to row the boat, straining against the tempest. I’m so busy trying to keep myself afloat that I can’t look up which makes the violent wind and crashing waves sound loud and terrifying. I wonder if Jesus is sleeping.
Faith is a window. Faith helps me view my storm with eyes of wonder and yes, even delight as I watch the Lord command the wind and waves to be still. When I stand up and face the storm head on, I witness the power and majesty of the Lord on full display. I see the very elements of the storm become a canvas for the miraculous and a backdrop showcasing his mighty power to save.
And boy do I need saving.
This story is so vibrant in color, texture, humanity and the holy. It’s a clashing of earthly and heavenly like two cymbals ringing out as they come smashing together.
peace! be still! he speaks over my storm as I watch the last hues of light fade into the evening.