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Let’s Hit Refresh


Hey good morning!

Something interesting happened this past Tuesday and I wanted to share it with all of you.

We were outside an office building on Tuesday morning waiting for it to open. Hubs had been in contact with a lady we needed to do some business with. I know he had mentioned her first name but I wasn’t paying any attention.

stop-over on our way home               I didn’t ask enough questions               lots on my mind               3 hour drive in front of us               forgive me for being human

That morning I was distracted and a little tense. I had a lot on my mind, namely getting back home as quickly as possible to finish some pressing, time-sensitive work. We were only there to sign a few documents so I was suitably engaged to appear interested but not so engaged as to knowing who we were meeting with.

Hubs starts reading the names on the door of the office building…

blahblah KathyL blahblah

KATHY L?!?! Are you kidding me?

“Do you know her?” Hubs can’t believe the sudden change in my demeaner. I guess going from a slightly slouched, un-caffeinated fog to full alert, all piston’s firing got his attention.

“I used to work with her more than 10 years ago and I haven’t seen or heard from her since!”

I am fairly bouncing in the truck seat, which is actually quite difficult because my feet hardly touch the ground (big truck, little Rhonda). “Do you think she’ll recognize you?” Hubs asked. He could see my excitement and may have been a little scared imagining me running down and body slamming some poor unsuspecting woman in a bearhug who didn’t know who I was.

“I don’t know, but I WILL recognize her!”

Just then she pulled into the parking lot and got out of her vehicle. I jumped out of the truck just as she spotted me and we both ran and collided in a huge hug. She said that just the evening before she had clued in that it was me (us) coming to see her the next day and couldn’t wait.

Oh it was so great!!

We spent the next hour catching up and reminiscing. It was so good for my soul, so unexpected and refreshing. It was a shot of pure joy; like running through a sprinkler on a sizzling hot summer day. I felt completely recharged and invigorated. Wow!

I wondered how many other friendships I had neglected. How many other people in my life had I not connected with in awhile? I let my eyes wander down the contact list on my phone, quite a few apparently.

So I decided to reconnect. To plug in again and reach out. Maybe this has happened to you as well. Please don’t feel bad for whatever circumstance pulled you away from others for a season. Life happens. But can I encourage you to hit refresh? Pick one or two people you haven’t contacted in awhile and let them know how much they mean to you and that they were on your mind.

Refresh. Reconnect. Recharge.

I love it. I’ll be in touch xo



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