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Prison Decisions

“I want you to know brothers,

that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel,

so that it has become known throughout the whole

imperial guard and to all the rest that

my imprisonment is for Christ.”

Phil 1:12-13


Can we recap for a minute? In Phil 1:3-5 we find Paul sitting in prison, writing a letter to some very dear friends and fellow believers in Philippi. He doesn’t launch into all the reasons why he shouldn’t be there or the hardships he is facing. No, right away he sets the expectation for the rest of the letter…joy.

The special relationship he has with these believers seems to jump right off the page. Every time he thinks of them he is filled with joy. Their love for Christ and dedication to the Way fills him with joy. Their perseverance through every conceivable challenge as they advance the gospel alongside of him fills him with joy.

He goes on to remind them in vs. 6 that there is good work happening in their lives every single day because they have been set apart for a holy purpose and that holy purpose will continue right up until day of Jesus Christ. Doesn’t it seem like he’s saying

don’t get discouraged!

this is your journey and there is purpose!

all the pop quizzes (trials) will culminate in the reward of spending eternity in the presence of Christ!

What isn’t he saying? Hey, you’re a Christian now, nothing bad will ever happen to you ever again.

Hubs went to a football game on Saturday with a friend. Remember it’s Canada in October with the starting kick-off at 5pm….guess what he tried carrying into the stadium? Not his own snacks! A backpack filled with extra clothes because it gets crazy cold as soon as the sun goes down.

Their seats were along the sidelines, and they thought it was pretty cool being so close to the action, that is, until the game started. It didn’t take long to realize they couldn’t see the game due to all the people milling around in front of them; players, coaches, trainers. This would have been awesome if all they wanted was to get autographs. So, after a little while they decided to move up a couple of rows and wow what a difference it made! Finally they could see the game.

This verse feels the same, Paul has moved up a few rows and can see the whole game.

We all have prison stories.

Maybe it’s hard to equate what you’re going through with Paul’s circumstances. You may be tempted to think that because you aren’t physically sitting in prison like Paul that this is just an interesting story and nothing more. You couldn’t be more wrong.

2 Timothy 3:16 says “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness.” (ESV) Every story is there by design to help us connect the dots between Scripture and our real-time situations.

How did Paul manage to find joy while sitting in prison? He made some decisions.


I want you to know brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel

Saying that prison was horrible is a huge understatement. It shouldn’t have happened and it was unfair. He didn’t deserve it but that wasn’t the whole story OR the end of the story. Paul views it through the lens of his holy purpose and looking at it from the vantage point of a higher calling, gains perspective.

Prison is one play in the game.


what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel

Being at the right altitude shifts attitude. Paul is not a slave to the terrible circumstance he finds himself in. He is not conquered by it or overpowered by it. Instead, this situation has become a servant to the holy purpose ordained for him. Prison is a servant to the will of God; prison is the conduit to gaining intimate access to the highest levels of government in that day.

Each play is an opportunity to gain ground.


so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ

When altitude shifts attitude, action is the result. Being in prison doesn’t shame Paul into silence, it has the opposite effect. He talks openly about why he’s in prison, others are talking too…we all know how fast stories circulate! The story spreads and spreads. The name above every other name is proclaimed. Jesus is glorified.  Hearts are changed and souls are added to the kingdom.

A bold testimony influences the outcome of the game.

How about you? What do you want your story to say? Is your circumstance a servant to the will of God? Is it a conduit to telling others about the faithfulness of Christ and his deep love for them?

We all have prison stories. Illness, chronic pain. Difficult relationships, temperamental work colleagues. A wayward child or unsaved spouse. Whatever it is, your circumstance has the power to accelerate the gospel as long as you decide to be at the right altitude, chose the right attitude and act on every opportunity to share.


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