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#1 Rated Security System on the Planet

Sunday January 26, 2020

I hope I’m out of the woods with this viral thing I’ve been fighting. It’s been so up and down, one day I feel great and then all of a sudden I’m struggling again.

My verse for the day is Psalm 5:11 which reads, “But let all who take refuge in the you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.”

How many positive words are in this small verse?






Where does all this happiness come from?

Refuge & Protection

I see that there is action necessary on my part – drawing myself closer to Lord. Tucking myself into his arms, under his wings. And not only when times are tough, but all day, everyday.

Be glad the verse says.

It’s not a fuzzy, feel-like-it-or-not suggestion. When I take refuge in the Lord I am told to be glad. I struggle sometimes with disciplining my thoughts. I waffle back and forth, I question, I doubt. I guess the question is :can I be truly glad, honestly happy unless I feel safe? I’m challenged today to let go of my “buts” and just rest in the arms of the Lord knowing that YES I am safe in him.

Ever sing the verse says.

The song that moves from my lips to the ears of God is one of confidence. Ever sing. Always acknowledging that I am protected and loved by the Lord because I have taken refuge in him.

Love your name the verse says.

There’s a special message to me because I love the Lord, love even the mention of his name…he spreads his protection over me. He blankets me with security and safety in a life strewn with uncertainties. I am not to be afraid, I am to boldly rise each morning with the confidence that the Lord asks me to live in a place of joy rather than fear.

Rejoice the verse says.

Because the Lord protects me, I have the freedom and security of rising above my circumstances and rejoicing no matter what is happening. It seems to imply that I will have trouble (comforting?!), I will encounter difficulties but because I love the Lord I can face it all with a song rather than sorrow.

Lord, help me to remember that only you provide me with shelter and security. I am safe in your arms because I love you and I cling to you. Help my song to rise in joy as I release my fears and anxiety to you each day.



  1. What does safety and shelter mean to you?
  2. How will this verse help you focus differently as you deal with circumstances in your life?
  3. How does this verse affect your attitude?


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