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The 7 Deadly Sins of Complacency

Proverbs 1:32b “and the complacency of fools destroys them” (ESV)

How many times have you been trucking along reading your Bible and stumble across a verse or part of a verse that stops you dead in your tracks?

That’s what happened to me when I came across this itty bitty half of a verse in Proverbs.

It was the word complacency that stopped me.

I think we all know what it means but let’s get a technical review so that none of us can shrug our shoulders in complacency and claim we never knew (ha).


A feeling of contentment or self-satisfaction, especially when coupled with a unawareness of danger, trouble or controversy. (American Heritage)

A feeling of contented self-satisfaction, especially when unaware of upcoming trouble. (Wiktionary)

The feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself. (WordNet)

What’s the common element? Self satisfaction

It’s all about me baby!! Uncritical satisfaction in ourselves. Smug. Indifferent. Entitled. Judgmental. Self-absorbed.

It’s a drug. It consumes us with ourselves.

I’m untouchable.

I’m right.

I’m above the law.

I’m silent.

I’m lulled into a false sense of security.

Let’s change the order of the words in the verse to see if the impact is different:

A fool’s complacency will destroy him

A complacent Christian is one of the most dangerous people on earth. They’re a walking time-bomb.

Why? Because complacency dulls our senses. We can’t hear people cry, we avert our eyes from unpleasantness and we’re no longer affected by the stench of sin. We can’t taste the goodness of the Lord and heaven forbid we touch anyone who’s been on the street or we might catch something from them.

We call ourselves Christians but complacency kills the spiritual fervor and drive that God gives us to combat the evil forces in the world. We’re superheroes who don’t know how to use our power!

Faith demands a response. With our hands. With our feet. With our prayers. A sacrifice of ourselves that can only be attributed to the mighty working of a mighty Savior!

There are many more, but here are 7 deadly sins of complacency that Satan uses to make us unproductive and ineffective Christians. Being aware of them will help us root them out.

1. Conscience

What does a complacent conscience look like?

There is no absolute truth. Being politically correct is the new benchmark but it’s a moving target. I can’t defend the truth because I’m not sure what to believe anymore, so I don’t say anything.

Everything is open to interpretation and we are swept away in a tide is “me-isms” that seem legit but deny the power of God to transform us from our sinful state into people devoted to holy living. Hey, no one cares if I do “X” because everyone is doing it and besides, even the law is on my side.


Do you honestly want to know what truth is? Start reading your Bible! In a Biblical context our conscience is the standard of morality that God has stamped on our hearts. It’s the self-awareness we have by the power of the Holy Spirit to discern if our actions, words and thoughts line up with the standard of right & wrong, good & evil as laid out in scripture.

2. Compassion

What does complacent compassion look like?

Mass media is both a blessing and a curse. I see so much trauma and disaster in the world that it’s easy to change the channel with a flick of my wrist. I don’t feel anything because it’s just another news story.

Besides, I’m super busy working just to make my payments and I’m barely getting by. Shouldn’t all those rich people do something? They’re the ones with all the money!

I’m so tired of everyone wanting a handout, my mailbox and inbox are full of people asking for money for some cause or another. If the story is very compelling I might be persuaded to part with a few dollars but that’s it, I earned my money and I’m spending it on the things I want out of life.


Do you want to reignite compassion in your life? Stop. Slow down. Listen, truly listen to someone’s story. Maybe you’re scared of the expectation that it will force you to be too involved; if you start helping someone you’ll get sucked into their vortex of trouble. I challenge you that should never stop you from reaching out. Sacrifice is the evidence of sincere faith and your involvement will have eternal consequences.

3. Empathy

What does complacent empathy look like?

I don’t spend too much time trying to understand what others are feeling or going through because it makes me uncomfortable.

I’m so wrapped up in my life that I’ve lost the community and connection to others that I used to have. Now I have Facebook and Instagram and that’s how I stay connected to all my friends and family, it’s all I have time for.


If you struggle with compassion you will all-out wrestle with empathy.

Empathy is deeper than compassion, it goes a step farther. Compassion is the ability to understand the pain someone is going through and the desire to help them out in some way. Empathy means you actually suffer with them in their pain.

Empathy represents the very heart of God for humanity. He wants us rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep. Community. Connection. Faith. Restoration. Healing. Together.

4. Wisdom

What does complacent wisdom look like?

Scripture is old, dull and boring. Out of touch with the realities of today. No one believes that stuff anymore!

I read lots of self-help books that give me insight into my life. I don’t need stories from 2000 years ago, I need current and up to date thinking. I need ideas that address the state of the world and the situations I’m facing right now in my life.


Guess what? God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His word is trustworthy and he said that if we ask for wisdom he will give it to us without question.

Godly wisdom helps us prioritize our lives with the things that are important to the Lord. He helps us make the right decisions. Scripture warns us not to rely on our own understanding of things because we don’t have all the information! God does, and when we bring him into every situation and ask for his wisdom, he gladly gives it to us.

5. Alertness

What does complacent alertness look like?

I rarely think of my spiritual health or gauge what is happening in the world according to the Word of God. I don’t understand how to call out sin or defend against spiritual warfare so whenever I’m challenged I buckle.

Even though Christians are being persecuted around the world, I don’t believe it will ever happen here. Even though my rights as a Christian are being eroded it will never come down to me having to choose between God or my life, that just doesn’t happen here.


The Bible warns us repeatedly to be on our guard and watch out! We are to be aware of the enemy all around us who is trying to destroy us. If we are on to his dirty tricks we’re much less susceptible to his lies. Being a student of the Word will help us pass every test.

We are to remain alert so we don’t become disheartened at the events in the world and so that we stay vigilant in our defense of the gospel until the Lord returns.

If God is for us, who can be against us?

6. Service

What does complacent service look like?

There are too many people in need, my small contribution will never matter enough. It’s not my job to save the world, I’m sure someone else will do it. There are people more qualified than I am.

Sometimes our service is more about what I’m doing than it is for the people I’m doing it for. I love the accolades, the pats on the back. I live for recognition of all the work I’ve done.

My service is completely self-serving.


We have a wonderful opportunity when we’re serving others, to share the gospel. Service from a sincere heart will always open doors to speaking about a loving heavenly Father and it will impact lives eternally.

It also changes us. When we focus on bringing encouragement and help to someone else, our own problems kind of fade in intensity. It’s a wonderful by-product of being the hands and feet of Jesus to a hurting world. So please don’t hole yourself up in your house if life is hard right now. I know you want to and you may feel like you have nothing to offer but that is a LIE from the pit. In the middle of your pain, your impact on another person’s life who is struggling will be massive because you are the evidence of God’s comfort in action.

7. Humility

What does complacent humility look like?

It looks exactly like pride! It is my right to be heard, my right to have what I have, do what I do and no one can tell me otherwise. Who’s going to challenge me? I live life my on my own terms.

I never go to Sunday School and I certainly don’t need church…I mean, what can anyone teach me? I’ve read the Bible, I know what it says and I know I’m right.


Humility is the indicator of the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life. He reminds me that I only exist by the grace of God. Everything in my life points people back to him and that is why I live, to bring glory to his name.

In Conclusion:

Maybe you see yourself in one of the scenario’s I mentioned. I’ve battled at different times in my life with every one of these things and so please know that you’re not alone and you’re not a bad Christian.

But also know that Satan will use whatever is necessary to keep you from living a vibrant, exciting and fulfilling life by replacing your need of the Lord with your need to cater to your own selfish desires. If left unattended the promptings of the Holy Spirit will be choked out by the screams of your flesh that demand attention. Don’t let that happen!

Lord, help us to be aware of complacency in our lives. Expose the lies that have dulled our senses and kept us from bringing your light to the world around us. Forgive us for being self-centered and help us to commit to sacrificial living for your sake. Keep us focused on the prize.

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