
What’s Love Got To Do With It?

1 John 3:16-18 “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” (ESV)

I had a big, long, fluffy blog post about Valentine’s Day and I deleted it all. Let’s cut to the chase, we’re all interested in being loved aren’t we?

God filled us with a desire for love so that he could show us his love!

That need for love you feel tugging at your heart? God put that in there so you would turn to him. But often we cover it up with cheap substitutions that have no eternal value. We choose the quick fix. We pick earthly gifts rather than infinite grace.

Richard Blackwell tells this true story in the Readers Digest. “Every Valentine’s Day our campus newspaper has a section for student messages. Last year my roommate surprised his girlfriend with roses and dinner at a fancy restaurant. When they returned from their date, she leafed through the paper to see if he had written a note to her. Near the bottom of one page she found: ‘Bonnie, what are you looking here for? Aren’t dinner and flowers enough? Love, Scott.’”

Over $20B this year alone has been spent on Valentine’s gifts. WOW!

The real deal: all the Valentine’s gifts and cards in the world won’t quench your deep down, ugly crying need for love. I bet you won’t find that on a card!

Just so we’re clear, I’m certainly not saying that gift giving and receiving is wrong, the Bible isn’t saying that either. I love giving gifts and you can bet that I love receiving them too.

What’s wrong is the willful neglect of those in need at the expense of our selfishness.

God filled us with his love so we could show it to others!

There is a spiritual component to giving gifts that’s missing when we focus only on ourselves. Why?

Because God created us for the eternal but we settle for temporal.

Because God created us for the sacrificial but we covet superficial.

Because God is the revelation but we opt for a mask.

When we trade the truth for a lie we feel empty. But hang onto your chocolate box, the good stuff is coming!

Maybe this Valentine’s Day is a hard one for you or maybe you just need a good reminder of what God says true love looks like.

According to the truth:

You are enough

Vs 16 says that Christ laid down his life for you! Is your love tank a little empty this Valentine’s Day? I want you to know that his all-consuming desire for eternal fellowship, friendship and communion with you drove him to the cross to make sure that would happen. Only true love is strong enough to do that.

Your neighbors are enough

You know he loves you right?! Well, he loves your brothers and sisters, your neighbors the same way. What does a God-filled life look like? Sacrificial. We should be willing to lay down our lives for others so they see the price that Jesus paid for them. Only true love shows discipline by being ready for that.

Your possessions are enough

Whatever earthly possessions you have right now, today, are enough to share with someone in need. Vs 17 tells us who’s off the hook. No one! There’s a reason there are no tax brackets mentioned, we are all responsible. If you walk by a need and are able to meet it but decide not to, this verse says the love of God won’t be easy to see in your life.

Ouch, that hurts.

Our material possessions are the revelation that Jesus is in the business of meeting people’s needs! Only true love is willing to do that.

Your words are NOT enough

Vs 18 reminds us that lip service falls short. Don’t say amen and then walk away and do nothing, talking about it does not equal doing it. “like” and “share” don’t get the job done.

Love transforms our words into action!

Are you looking for a few hints? Here are 10 things you can tangibly do to express God’s love to those around you:

  1. Use your hobby to bless others
  2. Use your profession to bless others
  3. Use your finances to bless others
  4. Use your time to bless others
  5. Use your wisdom to encourage others
  6. Use your pain to show compassion towards others
  7. Use you ministry in new ways to reach others
  8. Use your calling to bless others
  9. Use your talents to bless others
  10. Use you gifting to bless others

There is a whole world of needy people within your life-radius. Show up for them today. Please look for a cause to support, a donation you can make or a volunteering position you can commit to. Love each other with action.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

(2) Comments


    Thank you dear daughter! You always remind me of things I do know, but need reminders of! ! In fact I’ve been nudged quite a few times lately to do just that, think of others before self. Love you . . .

    1. Love you too Mom, I’m glad you were nudged…I was too 🙂

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