I was watching HGTV a couple of nights ago. The hosts of the show had been hired by a wealthy, influential family to renovate their home. It was a mansion. Perfectly good items in the home were ripped out and replaced with newer, shinier things. Timeless. That’s the word the …
Booted From the Banquet
It was a large banquet hall. Round tables were set with pure white table cloths, exquisite china and silver place settings. Wine goblets and water glasses on one side were flanked by small espresso cups on the other. In the center of each table were bouquets of flowers, their colors …
The Top 10 Things I Appreciate
happy new year! Didn’t this past year fly by? A scientist or physicist or someone very smart needs to figure out why time goes faster and faster the older we are. I know all the blah blah about each day having the same number of hours in it but I’m …