Showing 3 Result(s)
Devotional Living

The Top 10 Things I Appreciate

happy new year! Didn’t this past year fly by? A scientist or physicist or someone very smart needs to figure out why time goes faster and faster the older we are. I know all the blah blah about each day having the same number of hours in it but I’m …

Devotional Living, Psalms

Intimate Friendship

What is it about friendship that makes it so special? Growing up I didn’t have a large group of friends, instead I surrounded myself with a few, close confidantes that I trusted. I’d often been told I was weird…maybe it was because I rarely felt that I fit. Trust. A …

Devotional Living

Are You a Builder or a Wrecker?

1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage each other and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”   I was troubled by a poem I read several months ago. It affected me so much that I decided to share it with you. Funny how the Holy Spirit can …