humility ~ SERVICE ~ sacrifice ~ hope The dream was so real. Judy looked exactly as she had the last time I saw her which was around 2001 or 2002. In my dream she came into the office and sat down at her desk and said to me, your …

humility ~ SERVICE ~ sacrifice ~ hope The dream was so real. Judy looked exactly as she had the last time I saw her which was around 2001 or 2002. In my dream she came into the office and sat down at her desk and said to me, your …
HUMILITY ~ service ~ sacrifice ~ hope Well the Christmas tree saga continues. We bought the most Charlie Brown Christmas tree ever. I had such high hopes. The display in the store looked so fabulous with the beautiful decorations and sparkling lights on a selection of trees of various heights and …
Today is the first Sunday of Advent. It’s also December 1st and the race is on to buy happiness. That’s what we’re trying to do right? Make someone happy at Christmas? You bet! The weeks leading up to Christmas are chaotic with meals to plan and groceries to buy. Gifts. …