Devotional Living

Together is Better

Together is Better

Welcome to 2020! Hey, did you make a Bucket List for this year? We used to call them “resolutions” until we all realized that making them doesn’t mean keeping them. Bucket List’s sound a lot less rigid and, well, less resolute. I’ve notoriously made lists all my life. Each year …


Where To Find Hope When You’re Feeling Hopeless

Candle of Hope

Today is the first Sunday of Advent. It’s also December 1st and the race is on to buy happiness. That’s what we’re trying to do right? Make someone happy at Christmas? You bet! The weeks leading up to Christmas are chaotic with meals to plan and groceries to buy. Gifts. …


From Mustard Seed to Tree: A Parable in Biblical Botany

Mustard Seed Parable

There are 2 separate but complimentary veins to this parable The kingdom of God in the world The kingdom of God in our hearts Turn to Matt 13:31-32, Mark 4:30-32, Luke 13:18-19. This parable shows up in 3 of the 4 gospels.   Mustard Seeds and Trees Is a mustard …