Showing 18 Result(s)
Devotional Living, Psalms

My Grandma’s Chariots and Horses

Tuesday March 3, 2020 Today is my Grandmother’s birthday. She would not be thrilled that I’m telling you because she turned 96 and hasn’t been happy with celebrating birthday’s for a long time. We talked for over an hour about life. Even her voice is precious to me, I want …

Weakness to Strength
Devotional Living, Faith Building, Psalms

Weakness to Strength: Weight Training 101

Saturday February 22, 2020 I took a good look at myself in the mirror the other day. Things that used to be tight are wiggly. Things that used to define, now line. Gravity pulls at my face and other unmentionables and I suddenly felt old. I follow a lady on …

Life Path
Devotional Living, Psalms

The Path to Happiness

Tuesday February 18, 2020 Yesterday was hubs’ birthday! I was thinking about how much I love him. I don’t think I realized when we got married that committing to being together for the rest of our lives is exactly as we vowed…richer, poorer, sickness, health, only death will part us. …