Showing 60 Result(s)
Devotional Living, Philippians

Between Egypt & The Promised Land

“Do all things without  grumbling or complaining…” Phil 2:14 It felt so great. About 2.5 inches were on the floor and I shook my head as if to rid myself of the blahh that had overtaken me recently. I asked my hairdresser when I had been there last…June she said. …

Devotional Living

Making A Way In The Wilderness

Hey, how are you doing? I opened my Bible today and a small piece of paper fell out. On it I had written some words that rushed out at me, do you mind if I share them? Before we dig in, quick question…do you rip pieces of paper and stick …

Devotional Living, Philippians

Why Suffering Is a Gift

“For it has been  granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake” Phil 1:29   When I was 10 years old we were spending Christmas with an aunt and uncle we didn’t see very often. My aunt …