Showing 60 Result(s)
Devotional Living, Psalms

The Place God Cannot Enter

Sunday February 2, 2020 I’m amazed at how many people are absolutely certain that they are the masters of their own destiny. They think they control their lives. They think they make their own fate. They think they can bring things into existence by speaking them. Common words: they think …

Rhonda Schmidt
Devotional Living, Faith

Why I Need To Be Alone Right Now

Thursday January 30, 2020   I love my Bible so much. It’s life, water, bread, love, hope. I’ve marked it up like crazy, circling verses and underlining passages that have leapt out from the pages right into my heart. It’s living and breathing and I am in awe of the …

Devotional Living, Psalms

Star Gazing

Tuesday, January 28, 2020   A secret desire I’ve always had is that when I get to heaven maybe the Lord will allow me to zip around the universe to soak in the beauty of his starry hosts. Sounds silly I know. The high school I attended was on the …