Devotional Living, Hope

A Bird’s Eye View

February 25, 2021

The other day I was thinking about a trip to Germany hubs and I took back in 2013. Our tour group was viewing a beautiful, old cathedral and after being inside for awhile, we stepped outside and saw a young boy flying a drone in the courtyard. From the ground we could barely make out the intricate masonry work higher up the walls but the drone was able to video it all. There was a small group of people standing around watching the drone fly higher and higher until it was above the top of the cathedral looking down on the whole plaza from above. The boy’s dad gave us the internet link so we could view the pictures and we were able to see a different perspective of the cathedral relative to the entire plaza as well as the surrounding area.

Perspective helps us measure things accurately and fairly, taking into account the entirety of the situation rather than only pieces of it.

1 Peter 4:12 says “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.”

I love how Peter uses the word beloved to address his readers. It implies a warm embrace, it feels like an arm around your shoulder, so compassionate. I sense his kindness. I hear his longing to help the believers cling to Jesus when trouble arrives and threatens to derail their faith. It’s as if he’s saying…hey, heads-up, it’s coming and I want you to be prepared. The world is going to come crashing down around your head at some point you can count on it, so prepare yourselves.

The Bible is full of detailed imagery which helps us draw meaning from the words. When you think of fiery trial what comes to mind? Something catastrophic, all-consuming, life changing? Searing heat, pain, the ashes of a life you thought was yours?

Um…can I get a pass?

Over the years I have dedicated vast amounts of time trying to reduce the odds of trouble knocking on my door. I’ve tried behaving just right, I’ve worked hard making lists and checking all the boxes to make sure I didn’t forget things. I’ve created a routine and pattern that ensures my safety and success. I’ve followed all the rules. And yet I have failed miserably time and time again.

Guess what? I’ve failed because I was never meant to eliminate trouble from my life.

Good God does not = no trouble

Good life does not = no trouble

Perspective reminds me that trouble is a tool Jesus uses to test my heart. Our verse in 1 Peter is super clear on that.


As Christian’s we’re on Satan’s radar. He will advance on your life and mine with an army of defeat, resignation, fear, anger, shame, disillusionment, jealousy, hatred, vice. He will attempt to pry us from the loving arms of our Heavenly Father. Guess what? He can’t. He doesn’t have the power! He’s all bluster and smoke but nothing he throws at us has the power to separate us from the Lord. Read Romans 8:35, 37-39 if you want confirmation of that powerful truth.

So what’s the testing all about then?


Seeing the Big Picture always draws us back to Jesus; his work on the cross for our sins, his desire for intimate fellowship. Testing teaches us to lean on him, to trust him more, it gives us a testimony of his unfailing faithfulness. It brings all sinful impurities out into the open so we can look at them together. It creates an opportunity for me to submit my will to his. It exposes all the worldly things I may be clinging to that are not HIM. The only thing that remains after a trial by fire is Jesus.

Don’t let your trouble separate you from the loving arms of the Lord. Don’t let your faith wither and fail because bad things have happened. The Bible is full of examples of times of trouble which are to be an encouragement that whatever situation we find ourselves in he is forever faithful.

If you’re reading this, I’ve already prayed for you. There’s no short-cut, in order to make it through the fire you’ll need to dig into the Bible with relentless passion. If you want to prepare yourself for the fiery trial when it comes, you’ll need to dig into the Bible with the same passion. God speaks to us through his holy word. Let it be your guide, your support, your lifeline.

The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him. (Nahum 1:7)




(6) Comments

  1. LouDell Posein says:

    I share your posts on fb, and trusting your thoughts will reach interested people! Love your posts,
    keep up the great work! Mom

    1. Thank you so much Mom, your support and encouragement always gives me renewed passion to share with others!

  2. Karen Unger says:

    Thank you for your encouraging devotionals, Rhonda.😊❤️

    1. I’m so glad you enjoy them Karen 💕

  3. Teena Hopper says:

    Love this. Thank you so much! Hugs my friend 🥰

    1. Thanks Teena 💟 I appreciate your encouragement!

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