Devotional Living, Psalms

Somebody’s Watching Me


Friday January 10,2020

Loneliness crushed me today.

We celebrated Christmas early with our whole family. They all live far away and so when they come over, they stay for awhile. It was wall-to-wall adults and children over a 2 week period and I loved it! I won’t lie, I was exhausted when everyone left but I also cried buckets when they were gone.

For some reason it hit me…

The space

The quiet

The empty

The memories, the bond of laughter and of sorrows shared by a group of people who love each other deeply and completely.

The missing burns itself into my heart like a branding iron, hot and scalding. My soul wants to emit some strange guttural cry but I have to keep my lips firmly shut so I don’t freak out hubs.


Lord, help me. Sometimes I wonder if

you see my heartache

you know that I’m hurting

you know that I feel lost

the giant questions with no answers will ever make sense

He’s watching over me

Psalms 1:6a says “For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous…”

Opening my Bible this morning, my eyes fell on this verse. If I’ve ever wondered about God’s love for me…I wonder no more.

I was struggling this morning and he sends me a very personal message…he’s watching over me. His eyes see me, his thoughts are directed towards me. He knows my name and all of the intimate details in my life.






My heart is restored. I choose to focus on the beautiful. The rich blessing of family, the pure delight in grandchildren, the warm comfort of time spent together.

Thank you Jesus for loving me so well. Thank you for watching over my life, for being concerned with my circumstances and the state of my heart. Thank you for your Word which always brings life and healing, hope and love.



  1. What are you struggling with today that caught you wondering if the Lord knew what you were going through?
  2. Why does this verse encourage you?
  3. How will you face this day knowing that the Lord cares deeply for you and is watching over you?