
From Mustard Seed to Tree: A Parable in Biblical Botany

Mustard Seed Parable

There are 2 separate but complimentary veins to this parable

  • The kingdom of God in the world
  • The kingdom of God in our hearts

Turn to Matt 13:31-32, Mark 4:30-32, Luke 13:18-19. This parable shows up in 3 of the 4 gospels.


Mustard Seeds and Trees

Is a mustard seed truly the smallest of ALL seeds? Great question!

Well, actually, it was the smallest seed regularly cultivated in Biblical times in Israel. In a single growing season, a mustard seed grows from a small seed to a tree in excess of 10’ tall. Wow!

It is thought to be an herbal plant and normally we wouldn’t liken a herbal plant to a tree, especially a fast growing one like this.


What are the 1st things we notice when reading this parable?

  • Likening the kingdom of heaven to something as small as a mustard seed
  • Man sowed it in his field
  • Smallest of all seeds
  • When grown it’s larger than all garden plants

The basic meaning of the word “Kingdom” as used in the gospels refers to God’s REIGN over all the universe.

Psalms 103:19 reads “The Lord has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all.” (ESV) We can see the basic meaning of kingdom is to “rule over”. It means that his reign or his rule governs all things. We see God’s sovereignty in the heavens.

Read Matt 24:14, it says that the gospel of the kingdom, or the good news of God’s reign will be proclaimed (spread) over all the earth. We see God’s sovereignty on earth right now.

And Daniel 4:3 says that his kingdom (reign) is everlasting so we see God’s sovereignty over eternity.


Already & Not Yet

In Matt 6:10 the Lord’s prayer asks for the kingdom of God (reign/rule) to come. When we pray we’re asking that God bring his kingdom because it’s not fully here yet…not in my heart, in the hearts of others, or in the world in general.

Not yet…

The Pharisees asked when this kingdom would come in Luke 17:21 because they were demanding a sign.

What did Jesus tell them?

It’s not coming like you think it is! Right now it can’t be observed with your eyes like a Roman conquest of a neighboring country can be seen. It won’t show up like a merchant peddling his wares. But just wait…

Instead, where is it?

The kingdom of God is in the midst of you!

Already here…

Turn to 1 Corinthians 13:12. “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.”

Not yet…

We have part of the picture, don’t we? We can see and understand in part but it’s not the full picture. It’s not the fulfillment of all things just yet.

Let’s read Rev 7:9 together…“After this I looked and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the lamb…”

This verse is speaking specifically about those who have come out of the tribulation but it is a beautiful picture of the kingdom (reign/rule of God) in its fulfillment – representation from every people group ever created and every language ever spoken will be standing before the throne!

So, the concept of already and not yet is as simple as saying this: Jesus came to the earth, and he is coming again.


My Heart & the World

Go back to our parable found in Matt 13:31-32.

If we now understand that kingdom means the absolute rule and reign of God over all, and it was likened to a mustard seed, let’s identify how we see God at work in the parallels we motioned earlier – in my heart and in the world:


The man took the seed

He was working, he wasn’t waiting for it to seed itself. There was a pre-approved plan, the garden was laid out according to careful deliberation and planning.

In the world – one seed was enough. A single seed from the outside may look like it has limited potential but we see throughout the OT and into the Gospel’s that there was a plan.

The seed (Jesus) to come to earth before the beginning of time. Only 1 seed was needed, there is only 1 way to God and that was through his Son Jesus Christ. This 1 seed would redeem the entire world through his sacrifice on the cross and that would usher salvation and the beginning of growth in the body of Christ (already AND not yet). Planned.

In our hearts – my heart only has room for 1 seed to grow to fullness and maturity. There isn’t room for anything else. You see, if you love God, your love for Jesus will grow. If you love the world, you won’t find much Jesus.

God is always at work to draw us to himself. He had a plan lined up for my life and yours long before time began and he was thinking of us when he took the seed and planted it in my heart.


The seed was carefully chosen

The seed chosen had the maximum potential to grow. There was no faulty, second class seed that could be destroyed by earthly elements.

In the world – only 1 seed could be the perfect blend of holy and human, God and man, Savior and friend. Jesus! The only seed that could possibly measure up to God’s standard was one that could not be tainted and would never be destroyed. Incorruptible.

 In our hearts – important to choose which seed to plant in my life. If I want relationship, strength, peace, full life, then only 1 seed will produce those kinds of results. Jesus!


Purposeful in the planting

What thoughts are evoked when we think about a lush garden? Thoughtful, planned, straight rows of veggies, fruit trees, pruned vines. Well tended beauty. Rich, earthy scent, the soil moist and properly tilled.

What we don’t imagine is a haphazard throwing of the seed around the garden, right?!

The parable gives us a picture of the loving hand of a tender gardener who cares very much about the seed (Jesus) and the soil (our hearts).

In the world – John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” God cared so much he sent his son. The ultimate purpose? So that our sin would never be able to separate us from him if we accept his gift of forgiveness and salvation. He wants to spend eternity with you!

In our hearts – God then places the seed (John 1:1) of his word in my heart so that it will yield holy results.

Isaiah 55:11 says this “so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”


Comparison of size from start to finish

Bottom line…if it’s good seed and the soil is fertile, there will be growth.

We see that in one season it went from small seed to mighty tree. It started out so tiny and ended up being huge. Gradual but remarkable growth turned humble beginnings into something massive.

In the world – Jesus coming to earth was a small thing at the start, a baby being born…one of many in the area. No fanfare, no presidential announcement, no Instagram or Twitter post. But that small beginning had huge impact – it changed the world from that point on and still does!

In our hearts – It also paved the way for eternity, (already AND not yet). The seeds that we plant in our lives will grow, this is a principle we can’t ignore. What we seed we will harvest. Plain and simple.

So we see that the Kingdom of God in the world started small. The gospel (good news) grew out of one man, Jesus, and spread over the entire world.

Quiet and unassuming

Humble and kind

Powerful and gentle

Earthly and eternal

Fully grown. Fully matured. Fully blessed.


The Kingdom of God in my heart also starts out small. At first I lack faith and don’t know how to persevere. But if I apply myself to understanding and searching the scriptures, my faith begins to grow.

Measured and measurable growth

Immature to mature in my faith

Invisible to visible presence of the Lord in my life

Earthly minded to eternity minded

Selfish to satisfied


What mystery did the parable of the mustard seed reveal?

Although the start of the kingdom (reign) of God was small and people missed seeing it, that didn’t stop it from growing into something massive and eternal.

The work of the Lord in my heart may start out small but in a well tended garden it has the capacity to become something much bigger than I would have ever imagined.

Don’t ever be discouraged with small beginnings, that has never stopped a good seed from growing into something big and powerful when God is your gardener!

REMEMBER “already AND not yet”. Don’t ever forget that only part of the story has been told, we have an exciting eternity waiting for us in heaven if we set our hope on Christ.